11:11 Book – Sample Chapter


An excerpt from “11:11 Inside the Doorway” by Solara.

Copyright 1992 by Solara. All Rights Reserved.



January 11, 1992:

It is midnight at the Great Pyramids in Giza, Egypt. At the base of the third pyramid of Mycerinus there are ruins of an ancient temple. Uneven fragments of stone walls outline this huge, rectangular temple. It is whispered that the legendary city of AN rests beneath these ruins. The stars of EL*AN*RA shine brightly overhead, ever observing the activities on Earth. This sacred temple now transforms into the Courtyard of AN, revealing itself to be that which has long been preordained. Thousands of white candles flicker, placed upon ledges and niches within the temple walls, positioned around the many boulders and pits scattered over the temple floor. Memories of other times, other places, ancient doorways and other realms of consciousness begin to stir and reawaken.


We enter this sacred Courtyard of AN in silent reverence. White robed figures who have traveled far to converge upon this place at the same instant of No-Time at the beginning moments of January 11, 1992. There are five hundred of these timeless travelers, dressed in layers of white, coming from 32 countries. Each of us has heard the Call and chosen to answer with our full commitment. Although we speak many different languages, our One Heart resonates with the Song of One.


Two Guardians stand in silent vigil at the Outer Gates. Each one who approaches must first announce themselves with mudra and Starry Name. Then they enter the long corridor which serves as a birth canal leading to the Courtyard of AN. They pass by the Guardians of the Inner Gates who bow in silent acknowledgement.


Inside the temple walls the vast Circles of Sun and Moon are formed with eight inner wheels of eleven. The music starts and together as One, we begin the Wheels within Wheels. With fluid motions we move through No-Time, No-Space. The beauty of this is indescribable. It is beyond anything which we have previously experienced on Earth. All I can think of is that Shamballa has returned. We have truly anchored the Template of Oneness into the planet.


No-Time expands into a deep hush. Never before have I felt it to be so powerful. As we move into the Starry Processional, a huge star is born; it is the Star of our Unified Presence. It is finally here! As we begin to revolve, the Heavens themselves begin to turn in synchronicity.


Thus it was for thirty-eight hours in the sacred Courtyard of AN at the base of the Pyramid of Mycerinus. The Unified Movements continued ceaselessly throughout the long, cold night, through the day which followed, another long, cold night and up through the next afternoon. It was an experience which none of us shall ever forget, for it has been seared into the core of our beings. We have been transformed and will never, ever be the same. Such was the depth of the blessing we received by being there. We have seen what few human eyes will ever see. We have been immersed into the Greater Reality until the very fibers and cells of our beings were irrevocably realigned into the Template of Oneness.


There are small, precious memories which each of us carry like tiny jewels embedded into our hearts. The sight of the majestic Guardians standing so resolutely throughout our vigil, protecting the sanctity of our ceremony, anchoring the Cosmic Rays. Many served as Guardians throughout those long hours; each received a direct infusion of Oneness. During the dark hours of the night when a freezing wind penetrated through all our layers of clothes, Guardians would stand unflinchingly with arms outstretched. Sometimes it was so cold that we would have to replace the Guardians every half hour, but new volunteers would always respond to our Call.


The greatest challenge came in the early morning hours when it was the coldest and darkest. Our group dwindled to its smallest numbers. Yet the movements always continued on…. I remember seeing ones passed out from exhaustion lying face down in the desert sand…. And there were those who never left the temple complex, who served continuously with dedicated commitment, keeping the star turning for all. I will never forget the look in their shining, starry eyes; for they had truly broken through to that transcendent place of all-knowing, all-being. I honored you at that moment and I honor you now — for indeed you demonstrated your true magnificence at a time when it was truly needed.


After our extremely powerful 11:11 pm GMT (which was 1:11 am on January 12th in Egypt), we knew that the Door had finally opened. A profound shift was felt. The crowd once again thinned out until only the deeply committed ones remained and the emphasis moved to the Starry Processional which became ever more precious. I could feel us spiraling up and through the Doorway.


Then came the miraculous new dawn, more beautiful than any we had seen. The first strands of light descended upon us and our energies lifted. Kumari, who had been serving with me as Mother of the Star, and I fed those in the Starry Processional with almonds, trail mix and squares of chocolate. Bottled water was passed out into cupped hands which gratefully received our humble gifts. All the while our star revolved.


As the day grew brighter, sunlight warmed our frozen bodies and we began to shed some layers of clothing. Our star became larger as more people returned. Kumari and I continued to dance inside the Starry Procession, moving in a slow, ceremonial step, holding open the Doorway of the 11:11. By mid-morning on January 12, the energies began to intensify. We could feel the entrance of a penetrating beam of White Light. It seared through my being like a laser, causing my body to jerk backwards and my legs to turn to liquid. If it hadn’t been for Kumari’s anchoring Presence, I would have fallen over. As the Procession continued, I could feel our entire blessed star spiraling together up into the New Octave!


There is so much more to remember. Our amazing days of preparation in the palatial ballroom of our hotel. How easy it was to move into Oneness. What an extremely beautiful, pure and empowered group of starry beings from all over the world! I remember our ride out in the desert overlooking the Pyramids on camels and horses which triggered the departure of the Celestial Caravan. How natural we looked riding camels while wearing long robes and halos! The chants of camels and canoes which invigorated us with renewed energy…. The exquisite Melchizedek Initiation brought to the planet for only the second time…. The Vast Love which surrounded and embraced everything. I honor each one who participated.


I must thank our staff who served so magnificently: Kumari for holding the sanctity of the Beam, Elariul & Kala*ai who took turns with me at the microphone leading the sacred movements for 38 continuous hours, Etherium for his enthusiasm and inspired music, Aquataine for his powerful, fatherly Presence which was like a canopy of love and protection, AArela for taking care of the 3-D, Ramariel for his strength of Presence in the Starry Processional and on the Nile, Star Commander Albion for translating throughout the ceremony into three languages, Solar, Solaris, Nova, Urith-Ra-El, Aya, and Zaragusta.


And one thing that I must add: Our sacred ceremony in the Courtyard of AN continues…. It is without end, for it is anchored within the eternal moment of No-Time. It is the manifestation of the Greater Reality brought to Earth and is available to all. If you want to join us here, slip into something white and flowing, put on a tape of the Starry Processional and together as One we shall spiral into the New Octave of the Ultra Greater Reality!


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